Where Commerce Meets Compassion

News 1 min read 22nd February 2024
Where Commerce Meets Compassion

Joii is all about helping disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

At Joii, we’ve created a new kind of charity. By definition, we are a not-for-profit but we prefer the term “for-purpose” because, rather than defining ourselves by what we are not, we want to be known for what we are for.

We believe that every person in Australia should have access to safe and secure housing and employment. Yet more than 100 thousand people in Australia are currently homeless and more than 5 times that number are unemployed, but we’re determined to change that.

We do this by setting up Social Enterprises that fund our Social Impact Programs that are designed to create opportunities and employment pathways to help break the cycle of long-term welfare dependency & generational poverty. 

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